
Street-Scape: Rhythm Collage/Section

This collage is a further investigation of the term "rhythm." What I wanted to explore was this idea of the street-scape and how it creates the rhythm throughout the city. This collage is a combination of many different facades throughout Boston taken during the same time of day. I liked how it shows such a richness in materials and how all of these buildings, however separate, come together to create a beautiful rhythm. Below is a diagrammatic section through the collage. I cut the section in three parts, one through the building materials, (the top bar) one through the different layers of transparency, (bottom bar) and one through the facades as a whole. (middle bar) This section furthered this idea of rhythm in the street-scape.

Stair: Light and Shadow Collage/Section

This collage is furthering the idea of light and shadow. When wandering around the city I stumbled upon this stair that really captivated me. I liked how the railings created this harsh transition between light and shadow. I then tried to push this idea by taking photos from different angles to capture the essence of this stair. I then cut an interpretive section through the stair itself to explore the spatial qualities it created. I feel as though the section brought out more about scale and proportion of how a stair can play with how a viewer can percieve the stair.

Tempo: Rhythm Collage
This collage depicts the word "rhythm." I chose the golf swing to illustrate how rhythm is applied to a motion to be used in a sporting event. I liked how this photo shows the importance of rhythm to a golfer because with a lack of rhythm there would be no consistency when connecting to a golf ball.

Facade: Rhythm Collage
This collage represents the term "rhythm." When I first thought of rhythm my reaction was to how buildings have a certain movement that creates a rhythmic larger picture. I really liked how the Boston Police Station had a very systematic organization of opening placement that when looked at from a far illustrated a nice progression.

Nighttime: Light and Shadow Collage
This collage also shows light and shadow and how it changes when the sun isn't present to create the hard-lined shadows that are apparent during the day. I like how this portrays how different ones perception is of a certain space during the night. In addition, I think this photo is a good depiction of how light is inverted during the night and how the shadows are made from an artificial source.

Skyline: Light and Shadow Collage
This collage portrays how light and shadow can play with how someone views a city skyline. I used this photograph that I took in New York City where the intensity of light and shadow on two buildings next to each other was was evocative. I really liked how even though these buildings were practically touching, there was still such a drastic contrast between their range of light. I also tried to push this idea further by separating the photograph into 16 different sections and playing with the levels of brightness and contrast.

Enclosure: Color Collage
This collage also represents color by showing an alternative view of a facade or building enclosure. I chose to illustrate the term "color" by redefining the idea of an enclosure. I did this by subtracting the monotone colors of a facade and instead leaving just the existing colored panels. I liked how it explored how one element can seem so very different with just the color left to define the building.

Shirts: Color Collage

This collage emphasizes color, represented by the organization of the shirts that I own. I chose to portray the term "color" this way because I love how ones perception of a figure can change just with the addition of color in a shirt. I like the fact that this collage has a similar quality of the artist Andy Warhol. It shows more of a pop-art illustration and that is something that Warhol depicted very well