Site Selection

The criteria that lead me to this site were that its location is part of an ecological boundary within the Fenway area, the Emerald Necklace. Another element is that it is close to a water element that has flooding problems and has good sunlight. I wanted to choose this site because it would be a good way to show how I can create a building that doesn’t damage the existing natural environment. It also provides an approach to the surrounding context to help solve the existing flooding problems in this area. In addition, I thought this site would be good area to study because of the many different building types that are in the surrounding area. There are one, two, and three family residential buildings, commercial, retail, institutional, condominiums, apartments, industrial, and mixed-use buildings. Therefore, I think that this area is a good place to design a mixed-use building where many people are circulating around daily to interact with and experience this new design.